Sea of Tranquility: A Literary Anthology
Published October 28, 2024
by South Florida Writers Association (Author), Mort Laitner (Author), Howard Camner (Author)

Carolyn McBride is honored to have her short story, “Moonlight and Roses,” included in this timeless collection with other South Florida writers. The anthology is available in paperback and hardcover from Amazon.
Would you like to send a poem or a short story to the moon? That was the question delivered to over one hundred South Florida Writers Association creatives – and the race was on to craft and deliver.
The result is this anthology, on which pages you find thoughtful poetry and prose written with a love for what connects us to our moon. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed compiling this collection that will journey to the moon as part of the Lunar Codex Project.
This project began on July 30th of 2024 when Dr. Samuel Peralta, founder of the Lunar Codex, a stunning collection of the works of contemporary writers, artists, musicians, and filmmakers from all over the world, contacted poet Howard Camner and asked him to put together an anthology for the Polaris Collection of the Codex that would be launched to the moon and remain there in perpetuity. Camner contacted Mort Laitner, President of the SFWA to come aboard as co-editor. The best of the best was compiled, and the rest, quite literally, is history. As Dr. Peralta has stated: “The Sea of Tranquility Anthology brings together the voices of scores of poets and authors in tribute to humanity and its yearnings, to look upward, outward, to imagine, to dream.”